
The benefits of hiring local manned guarding security services

security services in London

As a local business that has years of experience in providing manned guarding security services to Cambridge, Haverhill, and surrounding areas you might think it’s obvious that we would encourage people to choose a local company for their manned guarding and building protection needs!

But while we are, of course, keen to encourage people to support local businesses, there are also some great reasons why using local security services means you get a better deal.

Better access to management

When you use a local company, you will also be dealing with local managers. National and multinational companies often try to save on their overheads by using regional managers who barely know their patch and will be juggling multiple contracts.

When you use a local manned guarding security, you know that you are important to them, and whenever you want to talk, there will be a senior manager who knows you and the contract there to talk to you. Put simply, you will be an important client, and that will show in the service you get.

A more flexible service

You can also expect a more flexible service from a local company. Aside from the fact they are a local business too, because they are smaller, they can be more agile. Think back to that regional manager, trying to respond to a change in need, working out who is where and how they can make things work. Then think how much easier it will be for those local security services, who know their staff and the area well.

We have been able to provide complete, and complex, security arrangements at incredibly short notice because we were able to use our local knowledge — and good relationships with our teams — to arrange security when another provider cancelled at the last minute.

Whether it’s site protection for buildings, or crowd control for an event, a local provider will be far more flexible in meeting your specific needs, even at short notice.

It’s an all-round better service

While it’s possible to think that manned guarding is the same, whoever does it choosing local means choosing someone with more commitment.

As a local manned guarding security business, we know that the more we put into our area, the more we get out. Providing our static security services is not just about being another business, but being part of a local business community, making our area safer and better.

And we extend that to our staff. We strive to be the best employer we can be, offering regular training and development to our staff, and paying everyone at least the local living wage. We do not use contract staff or zero-hours employees because we know that when we are committed to our team, they will be committed to you.

In short, when you use a local business, you are paying for more than just security services, but for a business who are invested in the area, not just in a contract value.

We have been providing the full range of security services in Cambridge and Haverhill for year, recruiting and investing in the best staff to ensure that our clients get the best possible service. If you want to see the difference in quality made by choosing a local manned guarding security business for your event security, or site protection, then call or email Blue Line Operations team today.

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