Keeping your home safe with site security

security company

If you are going away for a holiday, you will probably have thought about how to keep your home safe, but it’s unlikely you’ll have seen it as a vacant site security problem.

For most people, heading on holiday is a joy, but it usually comes after the usual headaches of cancelling the milk, turning off appliances, and wrestling with timer sockets. And for some, it will include the paranoia of sitting on the beach and suddenly wondering if you really did lock that door!

But the idea of using a security company doesn’t occur to most people, despite the challenges being almost identical to any building security.

Deterring the opportunist criminal

Most crime is opportunist. So, the prospect of a vacant house is just as alluring to a burglar as an empty office or warehouse. And the measures that keep one safe, work for the other.

Many of these are, of course, common sense. Ensuring that you have robust locks, and using them, will go a long way to keeping thieves out. Likewise, using timers to turn lights on and off will help create the illusion of someone being in. Even though it’s a common tactic, and many burglars know homeowners will use timers, few will be prepared to take the risk of getting it wrong and being caught in the act.

However, many never consider having traditional site security patrols for their home. But these can be an incredibly cost-effective security measure.

Using site security to protect your home

Using our trained and qualified security staff can bring a peace of mind that no other security measure can. You will know that you have professionals keeping an eye on your property for you.

The most obvious thing they will do is visit your property regularly. These patrols will take place at different times of day and night. Ensuring that there is a frequent, but unpredictable, security presence. This can act as a deterrent, ensuring that anyone who might have been watching a property cannot feel confident they will not be disturbed should they attempt to steal anything.

However, it is not just about being seen. Our security professionals will check your property for you, keeping an eye out for anything that might suggest a problem. Whether this is something being disturbed in your front garden or even moving the milk you forgot to cancel. It means that any potential issues can be addressed immediately, rather than waiting until your return, when they might be much, much worse.

They will also make sure they engage with the people they see. This might be as little as a friendly hello. But it has a powerful effect. As well as making sure that anyone with ill-intent is aware someone is there, it means they can build relationships with neighbours and the local community. It is surprising how often vital information and intelligence about site security is shared when people know there is someone to share it with.

Our staff are all dedicated professionals, every one is fully Security Industry Authority registered and employed directly by us, we do not use agency staff. They are all paid at least the living wage and receive regular training and development, meaning they have the commitment and skills they need to help keep your home safe while you are away.

If you want to make sure you come home to a house that is exactly as you left, or just want peace of mind for your week or two away, then call  01223-655-609 or email us today to find out more about our security patrols.

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